Beyond the Imprint (BTI) Therapy is a new and groundbreaking modality in the field of mental health counseling that merges cutting-edge research in the fields of trauma, neuroscience, pre and perinatal psychology, epigenetics and quantum physics to facilitate significant changes for the client in a relatively short period of time. Traditional therapy focuses primarily on the behaviors of the client using interventions that are designed to suppress or eradicate them. However, all behaviors, including maladaptive behaviors, are outward expressions of our cellular imprinting, schematic development and subsequent defense mechanisms. Therefore, it is ineffective to focus primarily on the behavior in an attempt to influence a different outcome. When we do so, as expressed through the current models of the mental health systems using traditional models of therapy and pharmacological interventions; we limit the potential for any significant change to occur.
The genesis of this book began shortly after the publication of the first book in the Beyond the Imprint series entitled Beyond the Imprint; A New Modality for Mental Health Practitioners
and Those Seeking Their Help. It has developed from the genuine interest, curiosity and desire of my clients wanting to facilitate their own healing process beyond the confines of our
weekly sessions and over-reliance on my expertise to facilitate such a process. It is my hope
that the clarity that has been gleaned from exploring this material in thousands of hours of counseling sessions in the last three years has translated effectively onto the following
pages so that you, the reader, may begin to facilitate your own profound healing process in awakening to the fullness of who you are; Beyond the Imprint.
Freedom Beyond the Imprint;
A Spiritual Perspective
for Absolute Neutrality
and Unconditional Acceptance
will be available for purchase
in December, 2021